an intimate
A Small Group Discussion Guide
for Married Couples

Are you looking to build a stronger, closer, more intimate marriage?
This fast-moving, carefully-designed small group workbook and curricula for couples and churches—led by a renowned therapist and a social researcher—will help you get there.
Through eight sessions, you will grow in community with other couples, then apply what you are learning at home. Part One is four sessions on many aspects of intimacy (emotional, spiritual, physical…). Part Two is four sessions gently addressing common issues around physical intimacy in marriage—a vital topic that most marriage studies barely address. (Couples can, if they prefer, go through Part Two on their own rather than in the group).
Grounded in extensive experience and research, each small-group discussion is eye-opening and practical, but does not veer into territory private to each couple. You can participate and learn comfortably, knowing you will have an opportunity to discuss those issues personally at home.
We hope you join us for this special study. Because learning and communicating well on these topics will unlock intimacy in your marriage for a lifetime.
Free Preview

To help you evaluate Unlocking an Intimate Marriage, we are providing a free copy of Session 1. Download a PDF of the Workbook Session 1 and click to watch the videos.

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The workbook is available for purchase wherever paperback books are sold.
It is also available as an eBook on the Kindle platform though you are unable to take notes easily in the eBook.
Purchase of the workbook provides a code to watch the videos for free on teachable.
Access the Videos
Access the Videos on RightNow Media
The primary home of the Unlocking an Intimate Marriage study is rightnow MEDIA. If you, or your church, have a subscription on rightnow MEDIA, you can access the study on their website after logging in.

Access the videos through us
Building Intimate Marriages, Inc. is hosting the videos on Teachable for those who do not have a rightnow MEDIA account. Jump there and use the code included in your workbook to access the videos free of charge.
The following links are referenced in the printed copy of the workbook. We are including them here for convenience and just in case you have difficulty with the ones in the workbook.
Dr. Mike’s Website – IntimateMarriage.org
Shaunti’s Website – Shaunti.com
Working Date – (p. 2) – IntimateMarriage.org/workingdate
ePREP program (p. 20) – LoveTakesLearning.com
Sexual Desire in Marriage course (p. 52, 61) – SexualDesireinMarriage.com
Intimacy Model (p. 61, 66, 71) – IntimacyModel.com
Thrive in Love & Money (p. 75) – ThriveinLoveandMoney.com

Learn about the book this study is built on.
Unlocking an Intimate Marriage is based in part on the research and information presented in Secrets of Sex and Marriage: 8 Surprises That Make All the Difference. Use the link below to learn more or purchase the book.