Looking for a Small Group Study for your married couples?

In this carefully-designed guided small group discussion, Part 1 builds overall intimacy in marriage through 4 dynamic sessions. Part 2 guides couples in safely discussing physical intimacy (a topic most marriage courses don’t cover) through an additional 4 information packed sessions. 

    • 33 Teaching videos
    • 8 sessions of guided group discussion
    • “Take it Home” assignments for you and your spouse
    • Optional “Deeper into the Word” study that helps you explore scripture
This is the appealing, trustworthy marriage study you’ve been waiting for!


Available Now!

1. Buy the Workbook

The workbook guides you through the study providing additional charts/graphs, discussion questions, resources, and a “Deeper into the Word” scripture study. Available wherever books are sold online.

2. Access the Videos

Thirty-three (33!) videos guide you through the study. Each 4-minute video provides brief teaching followed by 10-15 minutes of group discussion.

Videos can be accessed two ways:

If you, or your church has a RightNow Media account, you can access all the videos in a familar place.

Through Teachable

Purchase of the workbook provides you with a code allowing you to view the videos on Teachable for free.

  1. Scan the QR code in the Workbook.
  2. Follow the link to the Teachable site.
  3. Enroll in the course on Teachable.
  4. Enter the code in the workbook to make the course free of charge.